Items Tagged with 'equipment dealerships'


Sponsored Content: Create a High Performance Dealership with Bob Clements

Follow These 7 Principles to Create a High Performing Dealership

Industry expert Bob Clements outlines 7 principles for improving cashflow, generating instant income, building a culture of success and more.
Industry expert Bob Clements outlines 7 principles for improving cashflow, generating instant income, building a culture of success and more.
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On the Fence About Fencing?

Some equipment dealerships are seeing an increase in fencing demand as farms are being split up and sold, and rural lifestylers are setting up homesteads on smaller pieces of acreage. Despite the demand, this product isn't found in every dealership, or even many dealerships, and for good reason: Price. It's often difficult, if not impossible, for dealerships to compete with big box stores. However, some dealerships have found success with this niche product in spite of the "price-match" mentality.
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How to 'Localize' Your Web Site & Improve Your SEO

There are several no-cost or low-cost ways to improve your web site's SEO ranking and make it easier for customers to find you.
With few exceptions, the customer base of most equipment dealerships serving the rural lifestyle market is local. Because they need the service that dealerships can offer or they want to establish a relationship with their equipment supplier, most customers prefer to stick with businesses that they know and that are convenient.
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