Bob Clements

Bob Clements

Bob Clements is president of Bob Clements Intl. Inc. Clements is recognized as the premier management consultant for outdoor power equipment, agriculture and power sports dealerships. Bob Clements Intl. is a training and development company specializing in creating high performance dealerships and organizations. Clements is author of the book, The 8 Greatest Sales Secrets in the World. Over the last 25 years, Clements has worked with thousands of owners, sales people and businesses, giving them the tools they need to achieve personal and financial freedom.


Q&A Series: Do We Really Need an Employee Handbook?

You didn’t start your dealership because you love HR, but my guess is that as your Parts, Service, and Sales departments grow, so do your headaches with the people in your dealership. One of the most powerful tools you have, as you work with people, is an Employee Handbook because it creates clarity for every single person at your dealership (yes, that includes you!)
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