Rural Lifestyle Dealer


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Fall 2016

Volume: 10
Edition: 3

Dealership of the Year 2016

Retail Financing: What's New

Selling Snow Removal Equipment

  • Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    Michael Ellis

    From the Field: What’s Next?

    Back in the fall of 2007, Rural Lifestyle Dealer debuted with the aim of helping dealers identify and adapt to an evolving market where a new type of buyer was taking on a significant role. As then-managing editor Dave Kanicki put it in the inaugural issue, “The hobby farmer, the rural lifestyler, the large property owner — representing the most significant growth market for farm machinery during the past half-decade and for the foreseeable future — require a different kind of approach.”
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    Market Opportunities

    What’s New with Retail Financing

    Lenders say they’re improving processes and accessibility and expanding programs. Make sure you’re staying current on what’s available.
    Studies show that if you help a customer arrange financing, they are three times more likely to go to your dealership first the next time they’re looking to purchase equipment. They are also 2½ times more likely to buy from you again. If you helped them finance a purchase, there is a 75% chance that they will finance their next purchase with you as well, according to statistics from lender DLL.
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    How to Sell

    Selling Snow Removal Equipment & Improving Winter Cashflow

    Snow removal equipment can offer sales and service revenue year-round based on proper stocking, early promotions and dedicated service teams.
    Succeeding in the market requires recognizing the preferred method of snow removal in your area; matching your equipment inventory with future snowfall; and having technicians willing to repair broken machines during cold weather.
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    Power Centers of Madison: Gearing Up for Winter

    Following a wet summer, Power Centers of Madison was still supporting mower customers as the team prepared for winter sales.
    As fall rolled around in southern Wisconsin, the grass was still growing following a wet summer. Power Centers of Madison still had selling and servicing mowers top of mind, but the process of getting snow removal equipment into the showroom and displayed outside was also well underway.
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    New Technologies Introduced at GIE+Expo

    The 2016 Green Industry & Equipment Expo (GIE+Expo) was even bigger than the last two record-setting years. Registration was up over 11% from last year and there were a total of 900 GIE+Expo and Hardscape North America exhibitors, including 230 new exhibitors. The indoor show floor, at 80,000 square feet, was up 17% over last year and the outdoor demonstration area increased an acre to 20 acres.
    The 2016 Green Industry & Equipment Expo (GIE+Expo) was even bigger than the last two record-setting years. Registration was up over 11% from last year and there were a total of 900 GIE+Expo and Hardscape North America exhibitors, including 230 new exhibitors. The indoor show floor, at 80,000 square feet, was up 17% over last year and the outdoor demonstration area increased an acre to 20 acres.
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    What Rural Lifestylers Want From You

    Landscaping Exclusively with Battery-Powered Equipment

    South Pasadena, Calif., earns certification as the first American Green Zone Alliance Green Zone City in the U.S.
    The city of South Pasadena, Calif., was named the first American Green Zone Alliance (AGZA) Green Zone City in the U.S. This means all of the city’s 13 properties — comprising 41 acres (including 21 acres of mowing); 15 acres of hardscapes; 1 acre of hedges and more than 7 miles of edging — are maintained with battery-powered mowers, trimmers, edgers, hedgers and blowers.
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    Managing the Store

    What May be Costing You Future Business

    Here’s a simple, no-cost way to build customer loyalty.
    A missing link in your sales process may be costing you future business with rural lifestyle customers, and I have YouTube analytics to prove it. It doesn’t cost a penny to provide, and it will set your dealership apart from your competitors.
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    Achieving Peak Performance

    Forget New Customers

    Focus instead on engaging with your existing ones.
    Over the last few months, I have attended and spoken at six national dealer meetings for various manufacturers. I can say without a doubt that the common thread that ran through those meetings was the importance of attracting new customers and working hard to make those customers both excited and satisfied. That means getting them excited about the product they invested in, whether it be a tractor, UTV or lawnmower, and making sure they are satisfied with the experience they had, both the people and the purchasing process.
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  • Featured Articles

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    Market Opportunities

    What’s New with Retail Financing

    Lenders say they’re improving processes and accessibility and expanding programs. Make sure you’re staying current on what’s available.
    Studies show that if you help a customer arrange financing, they are three times more likely to go to your dealership first the next time they’re looking to purchase equipment. They are also 2½ times more likely to buy from you again. If you helped them finance a purchase, there is a 75% chance that they will finance their next purchase with you as well, according to statistics from lender DLL.
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    Power Centers of Madison: Gearing Up for Winter

    Following a wet summer, Power Centers of Madison was still supporting mower customers as the team prepared for winter sales.
    As fall rolled around in southern Wisconsin, the grass was still growing following a wet summer. Power Centers of Madison still had selling and servicing mowers top of mind, but the process of getting snow removal equipment into the showroom and displayed outside was also well underway.
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    New Technologies Introduced at GIE+Expo

    The 2016 Green Industry & Equipment Expo (GIE+Expo) was even bigger than the last two record-setting years. Registration was up over 11% from last year and there were a total of 900 GIE+Expo and Hardscape North America exhibitors, including 230 new exhibitors. The indoor show floor, at 80,000 square feet, was up 17% over last year and the outdoor demonstration area increased an acre to 20 acres.
    The 2016 Green Industry & Equipment Expo (GIE+Expo) was even bigger than the last two record-setting years. Registration was up over 11% from last year and there were a total of 900 GIE+Expo and Hardscape North America exhibitors, including 230 new exhibitors. The indoor show floor, at 80,000 square feet, was up 17% over last year and the outdoor demonstration area increased an acre to 20 acres.
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