Items Tagged with 'Services Coordinator'


Service shop
Sponsored Content: Create a High Performance Dealership with Bob Clements

Maximizing Efficiency in Your Service Process: Increasing Your Billable Time

Create a service process that allows repairs to flow quickly and smoothly through your shop to boost customer satisfaction and overall sales performance.
Create a service process that allows repairs to flow quickly and smoothly through your shop to boost customer satisfaction and overall sales performance.
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Achieving Peak Performance

6 Positions You Need in Your Service Department

Create the level of performance your customers expect and the level of profitability you deserve.
A dealership’s service department is the backbone of the organization. No other department in the dealership, be it parts, wholegoods or rental, will have more impact — positive or negative — on a customer. That’s why I am so passionate about making sure they are profitable for the dealership and deliver a “wow” experience for customers.
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Bob Clements Headshot 2019
Create a High Performance Dealership with Bob Clements

Expediting Equipment Repair Part 1: 24-Hour Rule

Evaluate how you’re communicating with your service department customers to eliminate frustration, including following the 24-hour rule, and introducing the concept of “triage.”
Evaluate how you’re communicating with your service department customers to eliminate frustration, including following the 24-hour rule, and incorporate the concept of “triage.”
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