Rodney Miller

Rodney Miller

Rodney Miller was raised on a farm in the Benton, Ill., and maintains a 1,000 acre, row-crop operation there and a smaller operation near his current home in Athens, Ga. Miller was CEO of McCormick International USA and Montana Tractors. He was also a territory manager for both Long and Mahindra USA tractor companies, managing dealers in several states. Since 2010, he’s served as the assistant to the dean and director of advancement and external affairs for the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at the Univ. of Georgia. He is an avid collector of antique tractors and equipment.


Selling the Rural Lifestyler: Show Season Thoughts: Take Time to Sell

I love fairs and farm shows. The first farm show I ever attended was the Illinois State Fair in Springfield, Ill., way back in the mid 60s. Back then, farm equipment manufacturers displayed their newest equipment at state and county fairs. That day has largely passed. It was before the large farm shows of today were prominent, and before our society became so mobile. I always enjoyed seeing all the equipment and hearing salesmen from the factories promoting their products. It was a scenario we don't always emulate.

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Selling the Rural Lifestyler: Get Away from 'This Month-itis'

Father's Day caused me to stop and reflect, maybe more than usual, about my father and his selling skills, as well as the great values he instilled in my siblings and me. My dad, Gene Miller, and my uncle, Charlie Miller were two of my heroes when it came to business. Uncle Charlie was an International Harvester dealer in McLeansboro, Ill., and both were sales- men, the kind you seldom see anymore.
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