LOUISVILLE, Ky – Exhibit space at Equip Exposition and co-located Hardscape North America are fully sold out, beating previous records. All indoor and outdoor exhibit space is sold.
Equip Exposition (the former GIE+EXPO trade show) will be held Oct. 18-21 in Louisville, Kentucky, at the Kentucky Exposition Center (KEC). The show draws tens of thousands of landscapers, contractors and others working in the outdoor industries and features nearly 1,000 exhibits.
“This is a first for Expo: Every inch of exhibit space inside the KEC and outside in the newly expanded 30-acre Outdoor Demo Yard has been reserved,” said Kris Kiser, President & CEO of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), which owns Equip Exposition. “It’s a great year to come to Louisville.”
The excitement for the show has also led to record-breaking advertising revenue for equip magazine and Equip Exposition sponsorships.
“The sellout shows the vitality and excitement around Equip Exposition,” said Kiser. “It’s our industry’s ‘family reunion,’ complete with the food and fireworks – plus digging, mulching, mowing, sawing, and test-driving on a grand scale. You won’t want to miss it.”
Equip Expo attendees can “test before they invest” in the newest and best outdoor power equipment, ask manufacturers questions face-to-face, attend the many education and training sessions available.
Early Bird registration is $20, and includes three days of trade show access, admission to Hardscape North America, a Welcome Party at Louisville Slugger Field, the popular 4th Street Live! Concert Series, award-winning keynote speakers, the UTV Test Track, three days in the 30-acre Outdoor Demo Yard, and Mutt Madness.
After Sept. 9, the registration price doubles. Check out the full program at www.equipexposition.com.
Management is currently waitlisting prospective exhibitors for 2022. For exhibit sales, contact Director of Sales Brian Corbett at bcorbett@equipexposition.com.