Items Tagged with 'performance'


Exmark Introduces Single- and Twin-Cylinder Engines

With an eye toward delivering a better overall customer experience in a number of product lines, Exmark today unveiled two new Exmark-branded engines. Developed specifically for Exmark zero-turn mower applications, the new single- and twin-cylinder engines offer a number of unique features designed to enhance performance, simplify maintenance and increase durability.
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Deere's 3Q Net Sales & Revenues Decline 5%; Ag Sales Fall 11%

Net income attributable to Deere & Company was $850.7 million, or $2.33 per share, for the third quarter ended July 31, compared with $996.5 million, or $2.56 per share, for the same period of 2013. For the first nine months of the year, net income attributable to Deere & Company was $2.513 billion, or $6.79 per share, compared with $2.730 billion, or $6.97 per share, last year.
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The Big Picture

Five Steps for Giving Productive Feedback

Giving feedback to your colleagues and employees provides them with an observer's insight into how their performance is progressing, as well as advice to solve any problems. But, for a number of people, hearing the six words, "Can I give you some feedback?" generates fear and anxiety. The words go through a translator in our brain and are heard as, "Can I completely tear you down?" It can be perceived that the person giving the feedback is somehow superior to the person receiving it, putting the receiver on the defense.
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The Big Picture

How Much Money Is a Good Leader Really Worth?

Gordon Bethune had inherited a mess. When he took the job of CEO of Continental Airlines in 1994, he was making the decision to commandeer a company that was losing nearly $55 million per month. The fifth-largest U.S. airline had way too many planes flying unprofitable routes. Its on-time performance consistently ranked last among the top 10 airlines, costing an average of $6 million per month in added expenses for misconnected bags, hotels, overtime and lost revenue due to canceled flights.
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Husqvarna Unveils Several New and Upgraded Products

As the world’s largest producer of outdoor power equipment, Husqvarna strives to offer new and improved ways to make the outdoors great – which means continually innovating and expanding its extensive product line, making life easier for do-it-yourself (DIY) consumers and commercial users alike.
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