The EPA said it will complete a proposal to expand sales of higher ethanol blends of gasoline in time for summer, despite delays from the partial government shutdown.
The Trump administration is reportedly planning to have the EPA waive existing seasonal restrictions on the sale of gasoline blended with 15% ethanol, according to a report from the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute.
National trade association fears good intentions put 250 million pieces of outdoor power equipment at risk of mis-fueling, reiterates need for consumer education.
Tractor Supply is paying a civil penalty of $775,000, most of which is being reimbursed by a vendor who sold the small engine products at issue to the company.
Start making mistakes and start succeeding. Inc. magazine columnist Carey Smith warns against seeking business expert advice without factoring in what you can learn from making mistakes.
Industries with millions of dollars at stake over the U.S. government's plan to lower the amount of biofuel that must be used in 2014 will air their grievances on Thursday in one of the most divisive policy debates of the year.
Yanmar America is the North American headquarters of Yanmar Holdings. Ranked #1 in Product
Quality for five years in a row by the Equipment Dealers Association, Yanmar provides innovative
solutions for Rural Lifestyle and Industrial Equipment customers.
Yanmar was the world’s first manufacturer to develop a practical small diesel engine in 1933 and
has continued to push the boundaries of innovation and technology ever since. As a manufacturer of
diesel engines, compact tractors and utility task vehicles, construction machinery, and industrial
equipment, Yanmar's products are sold in over 130 countries.
At Yanmar America, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products
and services, backed by a strong team of professionals who share our dedication to excellence. We
look forward to the opportunity to work with you in achieving your goals.
Virginia Beach-based STIHL Inc., produces a full line of high-quality, handheld outdoor power equipment including blowers, trimmers, brushcutters, and multi-task tools, as well as the number one selling brand of chainsaws worldwide. STIHL Inc. manufactures over 260 model variations of handheld outdoor power equipment for sale in the U.S. and around the world.