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Farm Auctions - AuctionHub

Company Profile

Contact Information

Contact: Erin Mervell
Title: Marketing Assistant
Phone: (877) 958-2410


Farm Auctions - AuctionHub
1539 West 102nd st, #4
Cleveland OH 44102
United States
AuctionHub is an online auction directory which lists live auctions around the USA. AuctionHub has a wide variety of different auctions from locations all across the United States. With 28 different auction categories, you're guaranteed to find exactly what you're looking for. Some popular categories include antique auctions, police auctions, coin and currency auctions, estate auctions, real estate auctions, and even fine art auctions. Auctioneers can list their auction on AuctionHub, and they can also advertise on our website. We have a Prime Partners program which provides a discount to auctioneers when advertising their auction listing. Users can also search for online auctions by date, and by location. Our auction calendar sorts all listed auctions by when they are held, and our auction locations are broken down by state and city, so it's easy to find auctions occuring near you during your desired timeframe.
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