While North American tractor dealers racked up a total of $2 billion in sales in 2021, December was the third-lowest in year-over-year tallies, according to Constellation Dealership Software companies Ideal, c-Systems and Charter. Outdoor power equipment (OPE) dealers, with total sales of $8 billion in 2021, didn’t experience quite the same hit in December.
Drawing from over 1,000 tractor dealers and over 1,500 OPE dealers on a nightly basis, the Constellation data warehouse released the market year-over-year trending information in each industry January 19. The report is based on a group of dealers in each category who have reported their data over the previous 3 years. Analysis of each market is based on a smaller “same store” group of dealers who have submitted data each month for three years in a row. The reports show data from combined sales of parts in all departments, wholegoods sales and service repairs.
Monthly revenue and growth over 2020 from 287 same-store tractor dealers shows December at a total of $36 million, down 9% from December 2020 of $40 million in the United States and Canada. However, Canadian dealers tallied 16% growth in December, while U.S. dealers reported –11% over December 2020.
Diving deeper into U.S. regions, both the Northeast and West showed gains at 17% and 26%, respectively. Midwest dealers saw December revenue growth at -36% from 2020, while Southern dealers reported -11%.
2021 showed a total of 221,000 new wholegoods units from tractor dealers.
The December numbers were the third-lowest in 2021, with June leading the year at –10% and October at -6%. March 2021 was the highest at 117% over 2020 figures.
Data from 1,023 same-store OPE dealers showed December monthly revenue and growth at 1% year-over-year--$129 million in 2021 versus $131 million in December 2020. U.S. dealers reported –1%, while Canadian OPE dealers reported –4%.
In the United States, the Western region led the decline at –18%, followed by the Northeast at –8%. Both the Southern and Midwest regions reported gains at 9% and 2%, respectively.
June 2021 OPE monthly revenue and growth were the lowest at –6%, followed by May at –3% and September at –2%. December 2021 tied with October at –1%.