Bush Hog produces a new “pink” ZT mower each year and displays it at farm shows all over the United States. Jimmy Anderson, National Sales Manager for Bush Hog states “We advertise the Joy to Life cause at all our shows, and offer a chance to win the pink ZT if individuals would like to donate to the cause.” All proceeds go directly to the Joy to Life foundation.
People who visited the show were offered 1 chance to win for every $10 donated, and the winning name is drawn at the Sunbelt Ag Expo show in Moultrie Georgia during October, which is designated “Breast Cancer Awareness month.” This year Monica Short of Geneseo, Kansas won the mower. Monica had a relative with breast cancer, so she purchased a raffle ticket. She donated an additional $10 when she purchased her one $10 raffle ticket. Monica attends Central Plains High School and is involved in track, cross country and basketball. She plans to give the mower to her parents.

Monica Short
Bush Hog presented the Joy to Life staff with a $10,000 check on Wednesday at the Joy to Life office in Montgomery, Al. According to Bush Hog’s President, Jerry Worthington, giving back is in their DNA. They wanted to show they care about supporting breast cancer initiatives as well.
Through supporting individuals in need of mammograms, Bush Hog shows they understand the importance of detecting and treating breast cancer as early as possible. “We are proud to work with a fellow Alabama organization in this critical cause,” Worthington said. “Breast cancer has impacted the lives of our families and our Bush Hog family. Every life that can be saved by early detection and treatment is a blessing.”

Those interested in the pink mower and/or making a donation to the Joy for Life, go to www.shopbushhoggear.com and click on the “Joy to Life Tickets” link. A ticket to enter the raffle for the pink mower is $10. For more information about the Joy of Life Foundation and their efforts, go to their website at www.joyoflifefoundation.org.