Fix My Problem
RLD recently introduced its new “Fix My Problem” series, where you can submit issues facing your dealership, anonymously if you’d like, and we’ll turn to our experts to help find a solution. The series kicked off with solutions for finding and keeping employees. Go here to learn more and to submit a problem of your own:
Read more: http://bit.ly/FixMyProblemHiring.

Download ‘Measuring Up’ Series
Our Rural Lifestyle Dealer team recently wrapped up its quick-read “Measuring Up” series and you can download the complete series along with a helpful definitions sheet here, http://bit.ly/MeasuringUpSeries. Rex Collins, a principal of HBK CPAs & Consultants provided additional insights regarding benchmarks in a recent RLD webinar. Go here to view the archived recording:
Read more, http://bit.ly/RLDWebinars

What Do You Forecast for 2018?
In preparation for the annual Dealer Business Trends & Outlook Report for the Winter 2018 edition of Rural Lifestyle Dealer, we’re polling selected North American equipment dealerships to get their input about the market. Take a few moments and share your insights with us today. Go to the survey: http://bit.ly/RLDTrends18. The deadline to complete the survey is Nov. 17.
Dealers Sound Off: “What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?”
“Be courageous. It takes real courage to provide vision; to build systems of accountability and use them; to admit you don’t know or that you were wrong; to trust your instincts and check the data; to empower, support and trust your leaders; to be decisive when needed and patient when necessary; to be self–aware and authentic; and to love your work,” says Darrell Pankratz, PrairieLand Partners, Hutchinson, Kan.
View more responses here: http://bit.ly/RLDYoungerSelf