The New Products Arena is back at GIE+EXPO 2010 and is set to showcase the latest innovations and products from some of the industry’s leading exhibitors as well as start-ups looking to make a big splash at the show.
"Research indicates the No.1 reason people attend this tradeshow is to see new products. The New Products Arena will highlight those and serve as a great orientation area for an overview of the latest items," said Show Director Warren Sellers.
Exhibitors showcasing innovations in the New Products Arena include Agrium Advanced Technologies; Driven by Solar Inc.; Flame Engineering, Inc.; General Power Systems; Grass Stitcher LLC; Ground Logic Inc.; L.T. Rich Products; Lawn Shark USA; Lawn Solutions; LeafCat; TMEC Product Ltd.; Top Saw Tool LLC; Turf Teq; VP Racing Fuels, Inc.; Wright Manufacturing, Inc. and ZTR Country, Division of Cycle Country. For a complete product listing, visit
And, for a more extensive overview, many exhibitors will introduce new products to the press as well as attendees on the Arena Stage during scheduled times including OPEI, Ariens, Hustler Turf, B3C Fuel, Husqvarna, Subaru Industrial Power Products, Exmark, STIHL, Case Construction Equipment, Super Lawn Trucks, Generac Power Systems, Flame Engineering and Stens.
The GIE+EXPO is set for October 28-30 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville. It is sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc. (OPEI), Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) and the Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS).
Pre-registration for a three-day pass to GIE+EXPO is $10 per person. To pre-register online and reserve hotel rooms, go to The tradeshow admission for those who wait to register onsite will be $50.
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