Lonestar Single Basket Rakes are designed to produce consistent uniform windrows and the cleanest hay on the market. Cleaner hay brings higher returns and provides the highest quality feed to ensure animals receive proper nutrients. Lonestar Hay Rakes are designed for functionality and longevity in today’s demanding markets. 

The rake's hydraulic drive motor is mounted to a separate bearing housing and shaft assembly which in turn is mounted to the drive wheel and basket assembly for increased strength and reliability.The basket rake assembly is equipped with torsion axle which provides a superior suspension versus spring protection. The idler end of the basket is equipped with a self-aligning idler hub to ensure precision tine bar, bearing and hub alignment.

Other features include hydraulic basket lift, adjustable valve to control basket speed and adjustable manual basket angle of 40-65 degrees.

For more information, please visit www.RankinEquipment.com.