Where We Started: Trends in 2008Rural Lifestyle Dealer published its first Dealer Business Trends & Outlook Report in 2008. At that time, dealers were coping with the mortgage crisis and the housing slump. Yet, even then, dealers saw opportunity in the rural lifestyle market. Read Story |
What's Holding You Back?Dealers shared thoughts on challenges facing them in 2016 when they answered this question in the Dealer Business Trends & Outlook survey: What is holding you back from moving to the next level with your dealership? Read Story |
Staying SharpRural lifestyle equipment dealers are seeing a good year ahead and many continue to seek out ways to sharpen their leadership skills. They shared some of their sources in the 2016 Dealer Business Trends & Outlook survey. Read Story |
Increasing Revenue with RentalIn Rural Lifestyle Dealer’s 2016 Dealer Business Trends & Outook survey, about 37% of dealers say their dealerships include a rental department. Here’s a list that breaks down the percentage of dealers who rent these rural equipment product categories. |
Rural Lifestyle Dealer
Checking in on the Rural Lifestyle Market