2014 Dealership of the Year: Armstrong Implements.
Bob Talaga, owner of Armstrong Implements, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, explains the transition plan for the family-owned dealership. Three generations are now working in the dealership. Armstrong Implements is Rural Lifestyle Dealer’s 2014 Dealership of the Year.
This video is sponsored by Charter Software.
The 21-part 2014 Rural Lifestyle Dealer Dealership of the Year video series is sponsored by Charter Software. Charter Software is the innovative provider of ASPEN, a versatile business management system designed for rural lifestyle, agricultural, industrial/construction, and other types of equipment dealers. Charter Software is on shortlist of major agricultural/rural lifestyle industry suppliers, and is the only dealership management system vendor approved by five regional equipment dealer associations. Charter Software is currently celebrating 30 years of serving equipment dealerships.
For more information about Charter Software, visit their website.