AGCO dealers using Charter Software’s popular ASPEN dealership management system continue to gain access to new AGCO electronic transactions using the ASPEN AGCO Communications Interface. This includes the latest AGCO Parts Integration (API) a new, voluntary AGCO dealer program with multiple benefits.
The API integration with the dealers’ business management system provides a seamless, automatic process that saves the dealer time and effort.
“Phase I of our API integration with ASPEN is now available,” says Charter Software president Anne Salemo. “We were very pleased to announce this news at the AGCO Parts Expo in January, which was also our very first time attending the Expo,” she says.
The API integration provides participating dealers with an automated process for submitting parts data to AGCO’s D2D Exchange program AGCO from their business system. “The D2D Exchange helps meet dealers’ customer demands by making parts inventory visible between AGCO dealers,” says Gregory Pumo, Manager, AGCO Parts Integration. “The API integration with the dealers’ business management system provides a seamless, automatic process that saves the dealer time and effort,” he says. Pumo anticipates the API integration will encourage more participation in the D2D program, which will help dealers to quickly fill their customer requests. “All AGCO dealers benefit when AGCO’s reputation for customer service increases,” says Pumo.
In the second phase the API integration, AGCO will provide dealers with data analysis to provide stocking recommendations to improve their parts inventory. Charter Software will complete Phase II of this integration for ASPEN next quarter. Mike Zimmerman, Parts Manager of M.M. Weaver and Sons, an AGCO dealership using the ASPEN business system, signed up for API at the Parts Expo and is excited to see how the program will impact his parts management. “It will be awhile until we can fully realize the benefits, but we are glad that we have the ability to transmit our data to AGCO right through ASPEN,” he says.
Charter Software is currently working with AGCO to receive certification on all of their existing integration with the ASPEN system, which has been used by their AGCO dealer customers for years. Earlier this year, AGCO Corp. announced plans to institute a new certification process for AGCO integration for any DMS vendor serving AGCO dealers, a substantial change to the business system vendor approval process they previously adhered to for many years.
“Now AGCO dealers using ASPEN can participate in new and forthcoming AGCO dealer initiatives, which, as certified by AGCO, will be included in the ASPEN AGCO Communications Interface at no additional charge,” says Salemo. “This integration provides dealers with functionality necessary to meet AGCO’s Dealer Excellence requirements as well as tools they need to remain competitive, streamline work flow and eliminate errors.”