Bobcat introduces two new soil preparation implements for its compact tractor line and the Toolcat 5610. Now available are the new soil conditioner and disc harrow Category 1 three-point hitch implements.
Three-point soil conditioners
Bobcat offers two three-point soil conditioners in working widths of 60 and 72 inches. The drum of the soil conditioner is powered by the rear PTO on the compact tractor or Toolcat 5610. Carbide-tipped teeth cultivate the ground to produce a smooth finish. Various cutting depths are available by adjusting the rear bolster wheels.
Bobcat soil conditioners are approved for use on compact tractor models CT225 to CT450 and the Toolcat 5610.
Three-point disc harrows
New Bobcat three-point disc harrows can easily break up the soil surface to prepare it for new seedbeds and plantings. Four sets, or “gangs,” of five 18-inch discs cultivate the soil and chop unwanted debris. These gangs are adjustable to provide different cutting depths and aggressions. The discs on the two front gangs are notched to assist in better ground penetration.
The 72-inch Bobcat disc harrow is approved for use on compact tractor models CT225 to CT335 and the Toolcat 5610. The 84-inch Bobcat disc harrow is approved for use on compact tractor models CT335 to CT450.
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