The agriculture division of Lessiter Publications has named Lynn Woolf as managing editor for Rural Lifestyle Dealer magazine. Rural Lifestyle Dealer provides information, tools and business strategies for hobby farmers, agri-businesses, large estate owners, landscape and light construction contractors and more.
“We’re very excited about the addition of Lynn to the team and look forward to sharing her unique perspective as a rural lifestyler with our dealer audience,” says Michael Ellis, publisher of Rural Lifestyle Dealer.
Woolf has been a contributing writer for Rural Lifestyle Dealer and its sister magazine Farm Equipment. She has experience writing for producer magazines; is an accredited public relations counselor; and part of a third-generation farm family. She has developed communication programs and content for various segments, including ag-related online companies.
In addition to the magazine, Woolf will contribute to Rural Lifestyle Dealer’s website and social media presence on Facebook and Twitter.
Lynn can be reached at lwoolf@lesspub.com.
About Lessiter Publications
Lessiter Publications, based in Brookfield, Wis., is a family-owned niche publishing company, serving the agriculture, equine and sports markets. Lessiter recently celebrated its 30-year anniversary. Rural Lifestyle Dealer is the only media specifically serving retailers to the rural lifestyle, hobby farm and large-property owner markets.