Learn Effective Marketing Strategies to Expand Your Dealership’s Business!
This “Dealer Marketing Strategies Volume 4” report explains how you can increase sales with an effective retail strategy, enhance the personalized customer experience as well as how to make the most of promotional giveaways and direct mail , and it’s FREE!
Dear Rural Lifestyle Dealer,
Top performing dealerships use effective marketing tactics to stay ahead of the curve. Being proactive when it comes to developing and executing a successful marketing plan can be the key to expanding your business and growing sales.
To help you realize your dealership’s full potential, we’ve compiled 4 actionable marketing strategies into a special eGuide download – and we’ve made it absolutely FREE to get it into the hands of as many marketers and sales managers as possible.
Some of the topics covered in this edition of Dealer Marketing Strategies include:
- Increasing Sales with an Effective Retail Strategy
- Your Marketing Strategy’s Secret Weapon: A Giveaway
- Enhancing the Personalized Customer Experience
- The Anatomy of Successful Direct Mail Campaign
Download this Dealer Marketing Strategies Volume 4 eGuide now and get started on more equipment sales today.
An attractive and functional retail design can make you more money!
You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. Each dealer’s store comes with its own unique challenges, including working in older stores or facilities that have been converted into a dealership. Your retail environment is an asset that must be carefully and continually monitored.
Retail design expert Paige Wittman, co-owner of Miller Wittman Retail Design Group, shares how your showroom can highlight your professionalism and build customers’ confidence in buying from you.
Wittman recommends asking questions like:
- Are the signs in good working condition, with all the lights working and operating at the same rate of light?
- Does your signage look permanent or temporary?
- Are you displaying current logos for the brands you carry and are you meeting brand standards?
- Are you maximizing what your city allows regarding signage?
Continue reading Wittman’s advice in this special report – FREE! Dealer Marketing Strategies Volume 4
A giveaway can provide an excellent platform to build awareness for your dealership, grow your audience, generate leads and create some excitement around your brand!
Dallas Ziebell, Marketing Manager at Lessiter Media, explains how giveaways can be a “secret weapon” that many marketers are yet to leverage.
To help you get started, we’ve compiled 7 reasons why you should consider giveaways as well the benefits from various types of giveaways.
Access this actionable infographic and marketing plan for FREE! Download Dealer Marketing Strategies Volume 4 and continue reading!
“New technology combined with customer service attitude drives marketing and website initiatives for a 2018 Dealership of the Year.”
TV advertising helped Bart Sherwood grow his dealership in its early days, and it remains an important part of Sherwood Tractor’s marketing program. However, Sherwood knew that digital marketing was the next necessary step, an area that was outside his comfort zone.
He was proactive and hired Patrick Richardson, an IT and digital marketing specialist. Here are some key dealer takeaways from our interview with Richardson to you get the most out of your digital marketing budget:
- Technology should always have the goal of improving the customer experience.
- Adapt your online presence to make it better fit how customers search for information and use your website.
- Learn ways to create a customized experience with Google ads, such as through wild card keywords.
- Integrate new online functionality, such as chat boxes, to quickly provide what your customers need.
Continue exploring these tried and tested digital marketing tactics. FREE! Download Dealer Marketing Strategies Volume 4
With the right audience, a creative design and a bulletproof strategy, your results can be significant. However, good results don’t necessarily come easy.
Have you been putting off revamping your dealership’s marketing plan?
Did you know that direct mail campaigns can still be an effective way to reach customers?
Do you need help finding the right balance between digital and traditional marketing strategies?
Then download this free report right now and get started. The minute you do, you gain the momentum toward greater sales!
Yours for a better dealership business,

Lynn Woolf, Managing Editor, Rural Lifestyle Dealer
PS: There are many ways to grow your sales. You can start yourself and your team on the path toward making the most of your in-house marketing capabilities by reading this free report now.
Take your marketing tactics to the next level!
Read this special report – FREE! Dealer Marketing Strategies Volume 4
What new insights did you gain? What jumped out at you? Share your observations.