This “Best Practices of Elite Dealerships Volume 3” eGuide shares how you can incorporate new approaches in all of your departments to increase revenues year-round, and it’s FREE!
Dear Dealer,
Have you noticed this about our industry? In good years, dealers can become complacent and in bad years, they can become desperate. To avoid those scenarios at your dealership — and to save time and costly mistakes from a trial-and-error approach — learn from a rural lifestyle dealership that has pushed past the traditional ways of selling equipment.
To help make you aware of the opportunities awaiting your dealership, we’ve compiled a special “Season-to-Season” series into an eGuide download — and we’ve made it absolutely FREE to get it into the hands of as many dealers as possible in a time when every potential sale counts.
Detailed strategies, compiled by the most trusted name in the rural equipment industry.
This eGuide includes a year-long profile of Heritage Tractor, a leading Midwestern dealership that serves a wide variety of rural and urban customers, all in one reader-friendly eGuide. It shows an honest, behind-the-scenes look at how this elite dealership has handled many of the issues you’re facing today. It’s the kind of eGuide you and your team will turn to again and again as you examine what’s working and what’s not working at your dealership. Keep it handy as a primer for what you need to do for the short-and long-term to ensure the success of your business.
Best Practices of Elite Dealerships Volume 3 is a comprehensive, foundational guide that will help you take a fresh look at your sales, parts and service departments. It is simple, straightforward and actionable. In fact, this eGuide is designed to help you…
- Understand how to build a strategic plan that’s more than just words on paper.
- Create excitement about your dealership and the products you sell.
- Learn how to upsell service offerings to boost revenue and increase customer satisfaction.
- Improve the approaches you take in the parts department so you don’t lose those critical sales and stop wasting time.
- Start your team on a path of recognizing how to build revenue and increase efficiencies in an industry that’s experiencing high growth right now.
You may say you’re too busy to read an eGuide. But we both know the risks of not paying attention to both the details and the “big picture” when running a dealership and you and your employees deserve the best decisions. Creating and maintaining an efficient and progressive dealership is compulsory to survival. Consider this:
- The rural lifestyle segment is growing and new technologies are capturing the attention of buyers. Do you have programs in place to take advantage of these opportunities?
- Processes that waste time cost money, but more than that, they keep you from making money. Making incremental changes, starting today, can help you be more profitable.
- What your dealership looks like tomorrow may be vastly different than what it looks like today. Do you know how to evaluate what success looks like for you?
The dealer in this eGuide has tackled those issues and set a clear path for longevity.
We know time is money. But if you did nothing more than scan the Dealer Takeaways in this FREE eGuide, you’d be significantly ahead.
Rural Lifestyle Dealer is dedicated entirely to helping dealers understand the trends, data and analysis impacting the rural equipment market. Our editors make it their job to know the score, and to help progressive dealers improve their operations and tackle questions like these…
- How can I make my retail displays look more attractive and encourage purchases?
- What is the best approach to the latest in online marketing?
- How can I develop extended maintenance programs that customers routinely purchase?
- What can I do to keep parts inventory costs under control, but still offer what my customers need?
This FREE eGuide, Best Practices of Elite Dealers Volume 3, includes comprehensive interviews with one of the leading rural equipment dealers in North America. This dealer isn’t just talking about changing the way they do business. Their strategies are in place today and they are seeing measurable differences in their bottom line as well as customer satisfaction.
This FREE eGuide has actionable data — presented in clear, straightforward language, and with strategies you can immediately start implementing.
You’ll gain insight into this elite dealer’s thought processes and learn ways to address these ongoing challenges:
- Reducing the clutter in your dealership that detracts from your image.
- Convincing your parts department staff that they need to be proactive salespeople.
- Understanding how to track buying trends so you’re not caught off-guard.
- Narrowing down the financial metrics that matter most.
For every question you and your team consider, you’ll find a way to exponentially increase your effectiveness, while building loyalty among your rural lifestyle, landscaper and light construction customers.
Read this free eGuide right now to learn how to set new — and attainable — goals for your team this year.
Takeaways to win over current and prospective customers
This in-depth eGuide also delivers actionable takeaways that you and your team can use today:
- How to set up a mobile parts department to expand your reach.
- How to identify “niche opportunities,” such as targeting customers struggling with land management challenges.
- How to host a customer event that leads to sales.
- How to set up better job tracking in your service department.
These are just some of the takeaways you’ll find by downloading this free eGuide and reviewing it over your cup of morning coffee.
And that’s just a sampling of the new success strategies you’ll uncover. Put these scenarios through the lens of your dealership and you’ll be energized by the possibilities.
By now I’m sure you see the value of this carefully-prepared eGuide and what this knowledge can do for your business. No one who wants to grow their dealership should overlook it! And because you’ve taken the time to read this, you’re clearly a person who values how to protect, and grow, the stake you’ve already claimed in the rural equipment business.
That means you’re exactly the kind of person we hope to reach with Best Practices of Elite Dealerships Volume 3. The kind of “in-the-know” person your team expects out of a leader.
You know how valuable reports like this are to calibrate and validate current thinking. Or, maybe you suspect that your current approaches are woefully outdated? Either way, what better way to move forward than with this comprehensive, authoritative — FREE — eGuide?
Do you want to attain revenue levels that you thought were out of your reach?
Are you prepared to challenge your team to be the best they can be?
Are you ready to let go of outdated thinking?
Then download this free eGuide right now and get started. The minute you do, you start the momentum toward greater sales.
Yours for a better rural equipment industry,
Lynn Woolf, Managing Editor
PS: Find out ways that your dealership can be viewed as a problem-solver that customers seek out by downloading Best Practices of Elite Dealerships Volume 3 right now.
PPS: Is there a lack of communication and camaraderie among your team? You can show them that there is a better way — that they can enjoy their jobs more and make more money. Learn how by reading this free eGuide now.
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