This “Dealer Marketing Strategies” eGuide shares how you can win over more and more customers, and it’s FREE!
Dear Dealer,
There are 2 things all of us know about marketing today: customers are being bombarded with advertising and marketing at every turn and it is becoming increasingly difficult to capture their attention. Marketing today requires much more than a newspaper or radio ad or seasonal direct mail outreach.
And, if there are 2 things we know about marketing, there is also 1 thing we know about a typical day at a dealership — there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done. Where can you possibly find the time to overhaul your marketing program?
Get a head start by borrowing ideas from other dealers and hearing from marketing experts in our eGuide download – and we’ve made it absolutely FREE to get it into the hands of as many dealers and marketers as possible in a time when every potential sale counts.
Real-world strategies from dealers, FOR DEALERS, by the most trusted name in the rural equipment industry
This eGuide outlines strategies for online marketing and special events, along with a step-by-step approach to building a marketing plan that works, all in one reader-friendly eGuide. It’s the kind of eGuide you and your team will turn to again and again as you search out news ways to promote your dealership among the busy — and growing — rural lifestyle segment. Keep it handy as a primer to guard against marketing efforts that waste time and dollars!
Dealer Marketing Strategies is a comprehensive, foundational guide to understanding today’s new, more sophisticated approaches to marketing programs that make long-term connections with customers and not just one-time sales. It is simple, straightforward and actionable. In fact, this eGuide is designed to help you …
- Understand how you can cost-effectively reach customers nationwide through online marketing.
- Discover what’s important to potential customers when they visit your website.
- Learn how you can host a special event that customers look forward to each year.
- Gain confidence that your approach to marketing is sound and responsible and not haphazard and reactionary.
- Start your team on a path of recognizing ways to capture more sales in a world that is battling for customers’ limited budgets.
Of course, we know you’re very busy. But we both know the risks of not paying attention to marketing are significant, and you and your employees deserve the best decisions. Creating and maintaining an effective — and cost-effective — marketing program compulsory to survival. Consider this:
- More than 55% of your customers have a brand in mind most of the time or almost always when they visit your dealership (according to Rural Lifestyle Dealer’s Dealer Business Trends and Outlook report).
- AND dealers report that more than 82% of customers accept their equipment recommendations most of the time or almost always.
This means customers are primed to visit your dealership and purchase equipment. You just have to capture their interest.
Rural Lifestyle Dealer is dedicated entirely to helping customers understand the trends and opportunities impacting the rural equipment market. Editors make it their job to know the score and to help progressive marketers improve their operations. Do you understand …
- The technology behind how to ensure your website is “mobile-friendly?”
- How to get reporters interested in writing about your dealership?
- What it takes to move beyond hosting the same special events that every other dealer offers?
- The basic steps for building a solid marketing plan?
To understand new marketing approaches and how to leverage them for your business, Read our FREE eGuide, Dealer Marketing Strategies.
Strategies developed by experts and field tested by dealers
This eGuide features profiles with successful and innovative rural lifestyle dealers and a nationally recognized marketing expert. These dealers took a risk and tried something new and are now reaping the profits. Our expert addresses how you can feel at ease trying something new by developing marketing best practices that will help you better plan, budget and measure your marketing initiatives.
This FREE eGuide will provide actionable information, so you can replicate these successful marketing approaches, regardless of where you currently stand in your marketing efforts.
The information in the eGuide is even more valuable because the dealers don’t gloss over some early missteps, but show what they learned and how they applied it to their evolving programs. You’ll get new ideas to these vital areas:
- How to transition from a costly direct mail approach
- Why working with partners can boost interest in your special event
- Why it’s important to set department-specific marketing goals
- How to safely guard the customer data you’re gathering as you’re building your relationships with customers
Read this free eGuide right now to learn how to make this important topic a #1 directive for your team this year.
What the dealers say about the effectiveness of their programs:
- “It’s been tremendous. We’ve been able to hire two full-time people.”
- “We are now viewed as a respected business in our community and have set the example for other businesses in the area. People have seen the professionalism and commitment of our team.”
These are just some of the benefits you could also experience by downloading this free eGuide and reviewing it your cup of morning coffee.
By now I’m sure you see the value of this carefully-prepared eGuide and what turning in to this knowledge can do for your business. No one who wants to their company to be a leader should overlook it! And because you’ve taken the time to read this, you’re clearly a person who values how to protect, and grow, the stake you’ve already claimed in the rural equipment business.
That means you’re exactly the kind of person we hope to reach with Dealer Marketing Strategies. The kind of “in-the-know” person your team expects out of a leader.
If you’re a manager today, you know how valuable reports like this are to calibrate and validate current thinking. If you’re still developing as an equipment marketer, you’re eager for the foundation and new ideas to increase your success. Either way, what better way to move forward than with this comprehensive, authoritative – FREE – eGuide?
Do you want to implement marketing approaches that are cost effective and sales effective?
Do you want to find new community partners to help you stretch the reach of your special events?
Do you want to take a more professional approach to your marketing efforts?
Then download this free eGuide right now, and get started. The minute you do, you start the momentum toward greater sales.
Yours for a better rural equipment industry,
Lynn Woolf, Managing Editor
PS: The eGuide connects you to a data security program for dealers — helping you protect your valuable customer data.
PSS: Tune in to new approaches you can start implementing right away, so you can see results right way. Download this free eGuide now.
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