“Help! where do I start in Parts?”
The Parts Department is the lifeblood of the dealership. Few things happen, in most dealerships, that aren’t touched by the Parts department. But, running a Parts Department is more of an art form than a science. Are you ready to turn your Parts Department into a major profit center, but don’t know where to start? Join Sara Hey, of Bob Clements International, as she shares how to evaluate your parts margins, understanding your current employee need based upon sales, maintaining inventory integrity, and even how to deal with that stocking order that is sitting in the middle of your parts department right now.
“Digital Marketing For Your Dealership - Successfully Build Traffic & Sales”
Does your website help grow sales for your dealership? In this session Dustin Ackart, owner of digital marketing company Dealer Digital Systems, shares best practices on how to make your website work for you by building site traffic that ultimately leads to increased sales for the dealership.
“Proper Valuation of Your Dealership”
As a buyer or a seller you need to be aware of how valuations and transactions are being framed in today’s market, what kind of due diligence should be done, and how to avoid common pitfalls. Even a small mistake in such a significant transaction can cost you big dollars. Join Rex Collins of HBK CPAs & Consultants as he shares the ins and outs of dealership valuations and buying or selling a dealership.
Using Your Co-Op Dollars to the Fullest
Is your dealership putting the co-op dollars from your OEMs to use? In this session, marketing leader Weston Sigler shares his tips on how dealers can make sure they aren't leaving money on the table when it comes to OEM co-op programs and how take your dealership marketing to the next level.
Make Data-Backed Decisions: Market Trends You Need to Know for 2021
Between COVID-19 and a record number of natural disasters in 2020, rural lifestyle dealers saw a nice boost in business. Using sales and inventory data, Don Miller shares insights on the trends that emerged in 2020 and how we can use that information as we look ahead.
Improve Your Profits in Service by Rethinking Your Pricing Strategies
One of the most common mistakes made in the service department is using the wrong pricing strategy on the variety of work that goes through the shopIn this session, consultant and regular Rural Lifestyle Dealer contributor, Bob Clements discusses the 3 pricing strategies your dealership should be using and when to use each one.