Rural Lifestyle Dealer

EDA Announces Estate Planning Webinar with Bud Strong

October 15, 2020

ST. LOUIS, Mo. ––  The Equipment Dealers Assn. is pleased to announce that Bud Strong, Partner at Husch Blackwell LLP, will be presenting an estate planning webinar for dealer members on Wednesday, October 28th at Noon (CT).

Strong will be summarizing potential changes in the estate tax laws and income tax laws that are likely to occur in 2021 if Joe Biden wins the election and the Democrats gain control of Congress. 

He will also discuss:

  • Key points to consider in estate planning
  • Key points to consider in business succession planning
  • How to avoid common planning mistakes

The webinar is free for members of the Equipment Dealers Association and will last approximately 60 minutes, including time for questions.
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Time: 12:00pm (CDT)