Rural Lifestyle Dealer

New 'Green Zone' Certified in New York

April 23, 2018

Southampton Town Hall in Long Island, N.Y. was formally certified recently as the latest AGZA Green Zone on the East Coast. 

The project,  in partnership with Quiet Communities and the American Green Zone Alliance, brings electric-powered maintenance equipment to town hall property maintenance, rather than the use of gas-powered equipment. This switch intends to reduce levels of noise and completely eliminate emissions including ozone-forming chemicals, fine particulates and carbon dioxide.

Local landscape companies were also invited to the ribbon cutting and to participate in a demonstration of the electric -powered maintenance equipment.

The American Green Zone Alliance (AGZA) now has two certified Green Zones on the East Coast. The city of South Pasadena, Calif., was the first city to be certified as an AGZA Green Zone. Learn more about this project.