Branson Tractors to Introduce 12 New Tractor Models this Year
Branson Tractors recently highlighted new options for its 10 and 15 series of tractors at the National Farm Machinery Show.
Branson Tractors highlighted new tractor models at the 2018 National Farm Machinery Show, held recently in Louisville, Ky.
The 4815 (48 horsepower) extends the 15 series, which currently ranges from 30-40 horsepower. The 2510 (25 horsepower) is part of the new 10 series. Both the 4815 and 2510 have options for hydrostatic or mechanical gear transmissions.
The company also plans to offer optional cabs for the entire 15 series, which are expected to be available by early June.
Debbie Alexander, Branson’s marketing manager, says the new options expand the 32 models currently available. “The goal is to provide the proper horsepower for the hobby farmer, the smaller acreage people and trying to help out the weekend warriors,” Alexander says.
Branson Tractors has been in the North American market since 1998 and its parent company Kukje is based in South Korea. There are currently 3 assembly plants in the U.S. located in Texas, Oregon and at their North American corporate office in Georgia. In North American alone Branson has 165 dealers.
For more information about Branson’s Tractors new products, check out Mike Wiles’ interview with Alexander. Wiles is a contributing writer for Rural Lifestyle Dealer and writes the “Managing the Store” column for the print issue.