Rural Lifestyle Dealer
Free eGuide

Dealer Marketing Strategies Volume 2

July 11, 2017
RLD eBook cover - Dealer Marketing Strategies w/ pages

Download “Dealer Marketing Strategies Volume 2: Email Marketing and Innovative Revenue Strategies,” and discover ways that successful rural lifestyle dealers promote their businesses using innovative email and revenue strategies!

Focus on targeting the right customers and working to retain them!

Dear Dealer,

Marketing is an important part of any business, especially small businesses. But reaching customers and getting them to UNDERSTAND what your dealership is all about can be very difficult sometimes.

Rural Lifestyle Dealer has collaborated with marketing specialists and successful dealers to bring you an all-inclusive eGuide that focuses on digital messaging technologies as well as in-store marketing techniques — designed to bring your leading strategies to increase sales. Consumers are relying more and more on technology to provide them with the answers they need. So, why not do all you can do to leverage those same technologies to reach them?

Determine what marketing strategies will work best for you!

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Email and Text Message Marketing Set Successful Dealers Ahead of Most

Top-of-the-line dealers like Ryan Sosler III of Sosler’s Garden & Farm Equipment in New Hampton, N.Y., explain how online marketing software has helped move their marketing departments in a positive direction. In this report, unlock the true value of using a proven system to send out marketing emails and text messages…

  • View percentage of email campaigns that customers open
  • Study click-through rates for each campaign
  • Learn how to create a real “buzz” for your company!

Acquiring and Retaining a Strong Customer Base

According to experts, 81% of people search online first before making a transaction. So, maintaining a positive online presence is a HUGE part of making sure your business is being accurately represented. Discover plenty of ways in this eGuide for how you can “get the word out there” by …

  • Marketing regularly to customers with appealing incentives.
  • Creating email blasts to encourage customer reviews.
  • Making the most of Google’s ‘star rating’ system.
  • Utilizing reporting software to analyze results.

This eGuide is designed to spark your imagination and provide you with avenues through which successful dealers have successfully built their customer contact list, increased sales and developed their brand in a positive way.

Make a Profit on Providing Winter Storage

Production agriculture has decreased over the past few years, now only accounting for about 10% of its customers. Homeowners, on the other hand, account for about half of the market, with landscape contractors and municipalities making up the remainder.

With that being said, there is a steadily growing need for customers to get their equipment safely winterized and out of their way in the winter.

In this eGuide, learn how a successful Wisconsin dealer has managed to provide winter storage, while making a profit on selling overstocked parts and parts that were ordered by mistake.

You’ll also learn how to train your customers to avoid the reoccurring cost of oil changes, blade sharpening and tire changes.

Get this eGuide for Free with a Free Account!

New members, click "Sign Up" for free account. Or, regular members click "Log In".

Yours for a better rural equipment industry,

Lynn Woolf signature





Lynn Woolf, Managing Editor

PS: The eGuide connects you to a data security program for dealers — helping you protect your valuable customer data.

PSS: Tune in to new approaches you can start implementing right away, so you can see results right way. Download this free eGuide now.