Rural Lifestyle Dealer

Northeast Equipment Dealers Assn. Pleased with Supreme Court’s Decision to Uphold Dealer Protection Law

October 6, 2016

On Monday, October 3, 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court denied the request filed by a group of manufacturers to review and overturn New Hampshire’s dealer protection law which was passed and signed into law in 2013.

The law, known as the “Dealer Bill of Rights,” was subject to numerous legal appeals by manufacturers at the state and appellate court levels. Earlier in 2016, the New Hampshire Supreme Court sided with the dealers. The manufacturers then sought review by the Supreme Court, which has now denied the request. 

The Northeast Equipment Dealers Assn.’s (NEDA) staff and dealers were instrumental in the passage of this legislation and are very pleased with the Supreme Court’s decision. The Court’s refusal to hear the matter means that the manufacturers are out of legal challenges and that all parties in New Hampshire must abide by the Bill of Rights’ terms.

Ralph Gaiss, CEO of NEDA, expressed excitement and optimism as a result of the Supreme Court’s decision. “This has been a long and difficult process for NEDA dealers in New Hampshire and for our colleagues at the New Hampshire Auto Dealers Assn. Working together, our associations have accomplished this important goal. 

“We are very happy to know that dealers will be given the legal protections they are entitled to under the Bill of Rights without the threat of ongoing challenges to the law’s validity. Our goal now is for everyone in the industry to move forward in a positive and mutually beneficial environment.”