Rural Lifestyle Dealer

RLD Managing Editor Presented with National Ag Award

November 19, 2015

BROOKFIELD, Wis. — American Agri-Women, the nation’s largest coalition of farm, ranch and agri-business women, recently recognized Lynn Woolf, Rural Lifestyle Dealer managing editor, with its LEAVEN award at its 40th annual convention.

The award is the organization’s highest honor for members and is given to those who exemplify the meaning of the words that make up “LEAVEN:” loyalty, enthusiasm, anticipatory, valiant, effectiveness and nurturing.

Woolf recently completed her 2-year term as vice president of communications and will continue to serve on the communications and sponsorship committees in 2016.

Sue McCrum of Maine, Karen Yost of Montana and Karolyn Zurn of Minnesota also received the LEAVEN award for 2015.

AAW promotes national security through a safe and reliable food, fiber and mineral supply. Since 1974, AAW members have worked together to educate consumers; advocate for agriculture; and offer networking and professional development opportunities.