Rural Lifestyle Dealer

JD Equipment Opens New Location in Hilliard, Ohio

May 19, 2015



COLUMBUS, Ohio — JD Equipment hosted an official ribbon cutting ceremony on May 18 for its new Hilliard location. City officials from Hilliard were in attendance for the ceremony including the Mayor and Council members. The new store is located at 3727 Park Mill Run Drive Hilliard, Ohio 43026 in the Mill Run Development.

JD Equipment has closed the previous location at 4079 Lyman Drive, Hilliard, Ohio. 

“The new facility will allow for more space for our current customers and allow us to more effectively serve new customers. The location and the size of the new facility were key factors in the decision to move. We will be able to improve customer service and increase our selection of inventory,” says JD Equipment CEO Jeff Mitchell. 

The Mill Run facility represents an additional investment in Hilliard by JD Equipment. During 2014, the company relocated its administrative offices and Standby Generator business from Grove City to 3979 Parkway Lane, Hilliard, Ohio.

JD Equipment store opening

JD Equipment: Norm Murphy (C.F.O), Arin Severt (General Sales Manager), Karla Mitchell (Office Manager), Jeff Mitchell ( C.E.O), Ted Miller (General Sales Manager), Ed Smith (General Sales Manager)
City of Hilliard: Don Schonhardt (Mayor), Joseph Erb (City Council), Libby Gierach (President Hilliard Chamber of Commerce), Mitchell Staugler, (City Council), Members of the City Council, Members from the Hilliard Police Department, Members from Four Points Development

The new facility features a larger showroom and expanded displays of top rated mowing and lawn care equipment made by John Deere, Scag and Hustler Turf, as well as Stihl chain saws, trimmers and blowers, standby electric generators from Generac and Honda, and a large selection of snow removal equipment. The new facility offers customers easy access and ishighly visible to customers traveling on I-270. 

About JD Equipment Inc. Family of Businesses

JD Equipment is a family-owned business, founded in Plain City, Ohio in 1982. The company sells and services new and used John Deere agriculture, lawn and garden, and light construction equipment, along with over 100 other brands of equipment and parts as well. Over the past 32 years, JD has grown to become Ohio’s largest John Deere dealer, with eight locations and more than 300 employees in Central Ohio. They pride themselves on their excellent customer service, wide range of products and parts, and convenient availability of parts onsite. For more information about JD Equipment, visit