Rural Lifestyle Dealer

Turf Only Service Shop Makes Rural Lifestyle Equipment a Priority

March 10, 2015

2013 Dealership of the Year: AgriVision (Formally A&M Green Power Group)

Bruce Simpson (right), turf service supervisor for AgriVision (Formerly A&M Green Power Group), and Jerry Johnson, Ready to Mow technician, explain how implementing a turf-only service shop has helped give priority to rural lifestyle equipment.

Thanks to Basic Software Systems for sponsoring the 2013 Dealership of the Year Video Series.


The 23-part 2013 Dealership of the Year video series is brought to you by Rural Lifestyle Dealer and Basic Software Systems. For nearly 34 years, Basic Software Systems has been providing dealerships with a Dealership Management System that is dealer focused, success driven and competitively priced.

For more information about Basic Software Sytems, visit their website.

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