KIOTI Tractor Donates Auction Proceeds to Cancer Center
KIOTI Tractor, a Division of Daedong-USA, Inc., recently donated all proceeds from the silent auction of a pink CS2410 subcompact tractor to the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center of Chapel Hill, NC. Douglas Earwood, Director of Sales and Marketing, presented a check in the amount of $15,267.00 to Jennifer Bowman, Special Events Coordinator of UNC Lineberger, on Thursday, December 6, 2012.
The special edition tractor was painted pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month and showcased at KIOTI Tractor’s booth at the Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, Georgia. Silent bids were accepted throughout the show and the tractor was awarded to the highest bidder.
“Selecting a charity to donate the proceeds to was a challenging decision since there are many honorable organizations in our area,” states Earwood. “We feel strongly that UNC Lineberger will put these proceeds to great use by continuing to offer North Carolina breast cancer patients and their families the best treatment and support available.”
UNC Lineberger is one of the leading cancer centers in the nation. The organization is home to several internationally-recognized research programs, including a Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) in breast cancer, one of only eleven in the country. The UNC Breast Center provides multidisciplinary programs, allowing patients the benefit of seeing numerous specialists under one roof.
“We have an exceptional staff of researchers and specialists who are constantly working towards making progress in the fight against breast cancer,” states Bowman. “Generous donations like these enable our staff to perform the vital research on cutting edge treatments and prevention strategies which will improve the outcome of many breast cancer patients in our state and around the world.”
KIOTI Tractor will be holding an additional auction of a pink CS2410 subcompact tractor at the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, Kentucky from February 13-16, 2013. Silent bids will be accepted in booth #004039 in the North Wing of the Kentucky Exposition Center. Proceeds from this auction will be donated to breast cancer research and awareness as well.
For more information on the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center or the UNC Breast Center please call, 1(866)-869-1856 or visit
Headquartered in Wendell, NC, KIOTI Tractor is a market-driven company that has been supplying more than 30 tractor models in the 22-90 horsepower range to the US and Canadian markets for over 25 years. Building on the company’s core product line, KIOTI Tractor has recently expanded their offerings to include the MECHRON® 2200 UTV, The Ultimate Transport Vehicle™, and the CS2410 subcompact tractor, as well as a full host of implements and attachments. For more information on KIOTI or KIOTI products please visit your Authorized KIOTI Tractor Dealer, call 877-465-4684 or visit today.