Rural Lifestyle Dealer

Updates from Day One of the Farm Progress Show

August 28, 2012

A full set of Rural Lifestyle Dealer staff reporters hit Farm Progress 2012 in Boone, Iowa, August 28th. They tweeted and "facebooked" along the way. You can continue to follow our real-time updates throughout the show at and hashtag #FPS12, and on our Facebook page ( Here are some of the most interesting/insightful things they saw at the show:

  • Sun rising over opening day of #fps12

  • On the grounds and mapping out today's game plan for Farm Progress #fps12
  • Kubota booth ready to great Farm Progress visitors #fps12

  • Jeff Doran Planalytics #fps12 expects trend toward norm to below norm temps and norm to above norm moisture for Corn Belt.

  • Hardi #fps12 launching 8500 Commander pull-type sprayer with 2,250-gal tank; 4400 will become 5000 and 6600 to 7000. 10,000 is biggest.

  • Great booth meeting with @BobcatCompany at #fps12. Thanks to Chris, Fred, Stormy & team for making the time.
  • Hot day but someone's planning ahead and checking out @Grasshopper snow throwers #fps12

  • New Holland debuting new Boomer CVTs at #fps12 "Not a toy or garden tractor on steroids. A big tractor scaled down.