Toro Extending Snowblower Production to Meet Demand
It's that comforting sound after every Minnesota snowfall...the sound of the machine that helps scoop it up quickly.
It always takes that first snowfall though, to inspire those who don't yet have a snow blower.
"This morning when we were shoveling we realized we just really need to get that snow blower," says Audrey Appelseis.
Appelseis is shopping at Kuiper Ace Hardware in Golden Valley and she came at the right time. There are still snow blowers in stock.
"Normally we would order about 75 machines. We cut it down to a third of that this year because of previous years being so lean and planning on reorders but now we're finding out that the stock isn't there for us to reorder," says Dale Hoffmann of Kuiper's Ace Hardware.
It's true there are fewer Toro snow blowers in stores right now. The Minnesota-based company says it plans to extend snow production, which usually switches to lawn-care in December, through January.
Last year was great for snow blower sales and Toro has already had a robust pre-season. That's great news for the company, but it's also contributing to the current shortage.
"We made essentially what dealers ordered and most dealers probably ordered a little less this year than they have in the past and now that they've actually got snow and are selling some products they want to order more products and that's why we're extending manufacturing into January," says Matt Medden with The Toro Company.
Business based on snow is always a gamble, but this year, if you're looking to buy, your best bet is to act fast.
"If you see it in the store, don't wait. Buy it now if you can," says Medden.
If you miss out just remember more stock is on the way. Stores should be full again in January.