Briggs & Stratton to Grow Through Acquisitions
An article in the September 16 Business Journal reported that Briggs & Stratton Corp. plans to incorporate acquisitions into an aggressive growth plan over the next several years. The article summarized the address of CEO Todd Teske before a crowd of 350 at The Business Journal's Power Breakfast September 9 at the Pfister Hotel in downtown Milwaukee.
Teske noted that "We've got a lot of room and a lot of cash on the balance sheet. I'm really excited about what we can do. We're not going to go out and do deals for the sake of doing deals. We're going to do smart deals. But we can growth this company pretty dramatically over the next 3-5 years."
The article reported that the ultimate goal of the company's acquisition strategy will be to expand the breadth of its product line or possibly gain access to new distribution channels. Teske, who has been with the company for more than 15 years, was quoted as saying that the firm's balance sheet has never been in this good of shape.