Rural Lifestyle Dealer
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What NASCAR Driver Chase Briscoe Wants from His Dealer

January 22, 2024

NASCAR Driver Case Briscoe refers to himself as part of the “Mahindra family.” As part of a partnership that began with the 2022 Cup season, his stock car (#14) boasts the Mahindra logo, and his 2-year old son Brooks has been wearing a jacket covered in Mahindra tractors.

Part of the partnership between Briscoe and Mahindra involves bringing dealers and customers out to the track. 

“We race 38 races throughout the year, and I would say at over 30 of those, typically we have a dealer there, whether it's the local dealer or a dealer that's in town for a meeting,” Briscoe says.

“If it's not the dealer [principal], it's a way for them to incentivize employees to hit a certain quota and they'll send their employees for a kind of VIP experience. Sometimes we have more than one dealer at the racetrack. That’s something that I feel we do a really good job of is just trying to make them feel appreciated.”

Briscoe is in his third year using the Mahindra 5145 and 1626 tractors on his 17 acres in Charlotte, N.C. His local dealer is King Machinery, a single-store Mahindra dealer in Statesville, N.C., that also carries Husqvarna, Hustler, Loftness and Spartan Mowers. Briscoe says his next purchase will likely be a box blade.

When it comes to his needs as a customer, Briscoe wants to feel appreciated above all, but he also emphasizes the importance of the dealer’s expertise in determining what equipment is the right fit. 

“You’ve got to have friendly faces, right?” he says. “You want to feel appreciated that you’re bringing your business there. That's first and foremost. But I think asking the right questions and understanding what you're using the tractor for and what implements you need is important. When I got my land, I thought I needed this, this and this, and King’s Machinery was able to steer me in the right direction.

“Especially for that new client, having a dealer that understands how to ask the right questions I think is very important when it comes down to the overall dealer experience.”

Briscoe also points to simple availability as a focal point in his dealer interactions, saying starting the interaction with some can be a challenge.

“Just being available is a huge thing too,” Briscoe says. “I feel like you go to some dealers, and it's hard to even get a hold of them sometimes. So being available and just willing to give advice, especially for those first time people, are super important too.”

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Ben Thorpe

Ben Thorpe worked with Lessiter Media from 2019 to 2024, working as the Associate Research Editor of Farm Equipment and Ag Equipment Intelligence. He graduated with a writing degree from Carroll University.